6098 Results
Newark, DE
United StatesThe goals of the Downes garden program (DIG - Downes Involvement Garden) are to connect science learning with other parts of the curriculum including math, reading, writing, health, and physical education. The garden brings real-world, authentic learning to math, science, literacy, and health classes! In addition to academic learning, gardening allows students to develop confidence, patience, cooperative learning skills, and a love for nature.
Denver, CO
United StatesDenver, CO
United StatesIshpeming, MI
United StatesCollege Park, MD
United StatesMinneapolis, MN
United StatesLincoln, NE
United StatesDuluth, GA
United StatesTroy, MI
United StatesProvidence, RI
United Statesvancouver, BC
CanadaHighlands, NJ
United StatesFort Lauderdale, FL
United StatesCrozet, VA
United StatesChicago, IL
United StatesHelena, MT
United StatesWynnewood, PA
United StatesChicago, IL
United States