Alfred Lima, Sr. Elementary School
We anticipate that the Lima School Garden's goal will be multifold; first it will serve as a learning center for students in several academic and social content areas. Teachers will use the garden as a living classroom and will work with the Genesis Center Culinary Instructor to plan lessons that touch upon sustainability, history, and a host of other topics. As a community agency that serves adult students we understand the importance of addressing individual learning styles and intelligences. The garden will also serve as a positive community asset. It is an opportunity to engage the school community and provides a sense of ownership and pride. A grant from the Whole Kids Foundation will enable us to expand our current Genesis Center garden and allow us to commit plot space to Lima Elementary students and families. With funds from the Foundation we will be able to provide dedicated support, outside of our normal operations, to engage families, maintain the space, plan garden events, and seek out additional sponsors and financial commitments from local funders.