
Newton Community Farm

The mission of Newton Community Farm is to nurture a community that teaches and models sustainable agricultural and environmental practices on the historic Angino Farm.

We are dedicated to providing the community with an authentic farm experience that highlights  and promotes sustainable growing practices.

As a fully operational farm, we have the ideal setting for hands-on, interactive learning for all ages and skill level on site as well as offering outreach programs in the local community.

Ready-to-Grow Gardens

Ready-to-Grow Gardens is an edible garden company that specializes in helping others grow organic vegetables, herbs and fruit all year in Miami/South Florida.

We help others grow food as locally as possible by designing, installing and maintaining edible gardens for homes, schools, restaurants, offices, and public spaces.

We also provide a wide range of  supplies one might need for your garden, including compost, organic fertilizer, mulch, and an excellent selection of  fruit, vegetable, and herb plants.

My school garden / Ο σχολικός μου κήπος

I started building a school garden at the back yard of my school about 10 years ago (2006) and ever since it has become a year-round educational programme with impact in the lives of learners, teachers, school communities and organisations. It has tuned out to be a long standing commitment, which promotes innovation linked with formal, non-formal and informal teaching and learning activities, alongside with the building of communities of practice for sharing common interests, knowledge, skills, competences and the joy of learning in the field.

Farm Lot 59

We love our Little Learners and welcome you to come to the farm for a customized hands on field trip. All ages and grade levels are welcome. We ask for a $5 donation per person attending. Its best for us to keep groups between 15-30 total people per group. If you have more than that we can split the lesson in 2 parts, add a nature walk or tour of EDCO recycling across the street. After you tell us a little about your group and what you are interested in learning we will confirm your trip date and tailor the lesson for your group.

Rockin' Gardens Raised Bed Gardens

We build complete Raised Bed Vegetable Gardens to help Kids, Families, and Schools get a great start to growing their own food! 

My husband and I live in Seacoast NH and have been doing landscaping and garden design for over 10 years.  This year we extended our businesses to include complete Raised Bed Vegetable Gardens for homeowners and schools.  Please check out our new website, and if you know anyone looking to install a new garden, please share our info.  Thank you!

Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind

Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind teaches young people with little to no use of their eyes to use their other senses to plant, care for, and harvest garden vegetables and small fruits, some of which grow wild on our camp property, and then take them to the kitchen to create great meals.  Most teachers of children who are blind or have low vision do not have the time or resources to teach daily living skills like cooking to their students, and many parents are afraid to give their blind child a knife or something hot, and have no idea how to teach a blind person how to tell the differenc


FOLO stands for Feed Our Loved Ones. FOLO Farms is run by six families on a mission to feed the world nutritionally power packed, bio-nutrient rich vegetables. Our farming methods are 100% organic, although we have not got round to getting certified organic status yet.

We have three farms in JB. Our first is a half acre farm at Kempas. This is a demo farm, where we do all our experimenting. This is the only farm open to public at the moment as we have built a proper events space/café here. We run events such as school tours, private workshops, cooking lessons.


The name of our school is Colegio Los Nogales and the program in which the garden is involved is called Zasqua Biorefuge, an take place in an area of the school that have a restored weatland (0.7 acres), three different types of restored native Andean forests (0.85 acres) and an interactive and productive areas (0.75 acres). Pk-Elementary are in charge of the: recicle plastic program, compost plant that manages all the organic waste the school generates and run the free range rabbit breathing center, we sell the rabbits for meat porpuse, generating in this way income to our program.

Green City Market

The mission of Green City Market is to improve the availability of a diverse range of high quality foods through connecting local producers and farmers to chefs, food organizations, and the greater Chicagoland community.  Green City Market achieves this mission by supporting small family farms and through providing education to adults and children about local, fresh, sustainably raised produce and products. Green City Market aims to create a sustainable food system in Chicago through our markets, outreach, and educational programming.
