
Program Type: 
Garden Classrooms, Kitchen Classrooms, Academic Classrooms
Grade Level/Age Group: 
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, College/University, Adults/Professionals
Number of Individuals Program Serves: 
Year Founded: 
About the Program: 

The name of our school is Colegio Los Nogales and the program in which the garden is involved is called Zasqua Biorefuge, an take place in an area of the school that have a restored weatland (0.7 acres), three different types of restored native Andean forests (0.85 acres) and an interactive and productive areas (0.75 acres). Pk-Elementary are in charge of the: recicle plastic program, compost plant that manages all the organic waste the school generates and run the free range rabbit breathing center, we sell the rabbits for meat porpuse, generating in this way income to our program. 1st, 3rd and 4rd grade grow diffrent type of species. 1st grade introduction to seed to the table program. 3rd grade develop a 3 month project with experimental plots were they compare the changes of: type of soil, temperatures (using the green house) and plants. 4th grade grow diffrent types of corn, were they study in social studies native south and central america cultures and what was the influence of this plant in their civilizations.  11th grade on the environmental class prepare a meal for all their pairs (60 people) base only on produce from the garden. Once a month we gather with a group of teachers te develop gardening skills.


The main goals of this area: provide and maintain green and healthy areas in the school, promote sustainable consumption along our community and develop an environmental and action curriculum, the objectives we aim for are: develop projects that foster biodiversity and conservation, implementing school curricula outdoors and promote a constant contact of children with nature.


The numbers of the students the school have are 943 with an extended community of 2000 people. Also the school hosts the social service were students from low income communities come to the school to develop different types of activities during Saturdays. 


The pillars of our pedagogical practices are: cooperative learning and Teaching for understanding, our student is part of a united and committed to common ideals supportive community are educated within the respect and tolerance for the opinions, ideas, religions, races, nationalities and other differences between humans. The work ethic, along with the attitudes and values ​​that are developed through a demanding and challenging academic program is a fundamental part of the training takes on a student from our school. The school prepares students for a life of leadership and service. That is, it acquires the commitment to be an agent of change and development seeking justice and freedom in a country that needs excellent people to transform it from their daily activities.