
Horizonte Corporativo

Program started in 1 school, 50 students in 2013

Now is working in 18 schools, 4000+ students in Casma and Ica, Peru

Main objectives are environmental education, nutrition and pedagogy. By teaching organic agriculture, we try to make fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables available to kids, and the school orchard is a powerful tool for making pedagogy

Barrington Farm School

The Barrington Farm School has been operating on a small farm for 3 years , outreaching to students, families, teachers and all levels of the community. The open space has beekeeping, fresh food tastings, student environmental groups, teachers, artists, nature studies and conservation practices. Join us as a volunteer, benefactor, customer, or friend! See you at the farm! We are now protected farm thanks to the generosity of the community, local land trust and the Open Space Program through the State of Rhode Island..

Garden Farms Foundation

Garden Farms Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, dedicated to enhancing garden programming in various underserved communities as well as schools from Pre-K through college campuses all across the Las Vegas valley. We work to enrich our community with farm-to-table events, educational curriculum, environmental awareness, art integration, nutrition education, farmers markets, produce donations and more. This, paired with hands-on garden lessons, provides the people of today access to the food security of tomorrow. 

Curriculum, Culture, and Cuisine

This program guides K-12 teachers in developing  curriculum to examine how the science, culture, and socioeconomics of food influences educational understandings and practices in the school environment. Of particular focus will be the students' scientific inquiry into their local food science contexts and the implications for academic achievement, physical health and social justice. Topics will include indigenous food sources and issues of access, correlation of STEM content standards to cultural food practices, and personalized health and nutrition advocacy.

High Tech Elementary North County

High Tech High is guided by four connected design principles - equity, personalization, authentic work, and collaborative deisgn - that set aspirational goals. High Tech High is an equity project. Our school is intentionally diverse and integrated. Teachers work to address inequities and help students reach their full potential. Through a learner-centered, inclusive approach we are able to support and challege each individual sudent. We recognize that idenity growth occur in the context of community, our schools fostere relationships of trust, caring, and mutual respect among students.

The Garden Project of Southwest Colorado

The Garden Project’s mission is to grow a healthier community through garden programs, education and access to local produce. Since 1998 we have helped develop 22 school and community gardens in the rural, high-desert Southwest. We work with people of all ages and experiences - believing that everyone, regardless of income, background or ability, should have access to affordable, healthy food. Annually we reach over 5,700 participants in our region, provide over 8,400 educational hours, benefit from 2,300 volunteer hours, and harvest over 4,200 pounds of produce.
