Farm Based


Mangia FA Studio is a small but active social enterprise aims to support schools, local governments and Non Profit Organizations who are keen to start school gardens, planning lessons and community events. We supports those practitioners with teaching materials and hands-on teacher training workshops such as, farm calendar that follows school curriculum, insects’ index in ecological farm or rice/sugar/honey tasting workshop…etc. So far, our team has worked with 2 NPOs, 4 local governments and more than 10 elementary schools in Taiwan.

Local food cycling school

We are a non-profit organization to promote the enjoyment of a lifestyle that aims to establish resource recycling in the local community. Our activities include, among others teaching how to recycle our kitchen garbage and other waste generated from our yards that is, how to turn them into compost and communicating the joy of composting. By making use of compost we produced or collected in neiboring areas, we grow vegetables in community gardens. 

We focus on following 5 issues for a sustainable lifestyle in community you live.

Farm Shop Educational Centre

Hello! As a farming family we have always had a passion to supply the public with healthy, local fruit and vegetables as well as educate people on healthy eating. Having struggled to encourage local councils we work with to support us in our drive to educate children and their parents we have decided to create a program ourselves. Through our expansion of our business with a Farm Shop and Restaurant we want to create an educational space for children to learn about farming, healthy eating and cooking.

Americorps/Coupeville Farm to School

The purpose of the Coupeville School Gardens is to support learning, inspire creativity, and promote the health of our students.Through our programs, from the time they are in kindergarten, students are learning about the uniqueness of their community and are given the education to participate and contribute to its preservation and development.The School Gardens Proposal  is an immense source of information about who we are, our community, as well as our short and long term goals. 

Little Parrot Farm

Little Parrot Farm uses organic agricultural practices while producing quality and nutritious crops and products, and hopes to educate and unite the community behind the cause to achieve sustainability, harmony with nature, and compassion for all living beings.  For children, we run school field trips to bridge the gap between farm to table and help them nurture care as they come to see and feed farm animals.

Chattahoochee Hills Charter School

VISION: Our Vision is for students to live meaningful, healthy, flourishing lives through immersion in the arts, agriculture, and the environment.

MISSION: Our Mission is to inspire all children to the highest levels of academic achievement through a rigorous curriculum that integrates the wonders of the natural world.


HIP Ag K-20 Ag-Nutrition Pipeline serves through offering farm fieldtrips, in-class and in-school garden workshops, HS farmer mentorship for Kohala Ag & IET classes, and post secondary 1-year farm apprenticeship.  HIP Ag serves as partner to Kohala DOE complex to support Hawaii State's F2S and G2C pilot programs.  Mission: To practice and teach ecologically conscious agriculture, empowering individuals and communities to cultivate alternative systems of living that restore human and environmental health. 

Una escuela de colores México

Una escuela de colores aims to connect with food to children and adults in a positive way. We believe that the game is one of the essential tools for the educational process, that is why we work from a vision where self discovery, free play, philosophy for children, attentive listening are fundamental for the development of our programs. Biodiversity is a fundamental part of our program. Mexico has very serious health problems and also has a great opportunity from our identity and gastronomy that we seek to rescue and show to the new generation.


We have bought a land in the South of France. Our 3 children will be giving permaculture classes to visiting families and online.

Green Scientists

The Green Scientists is a garden based educational program. Its core purpose is to develop and expand on the concept of the outdoor classroom. 

Population served are predominantly people of color. 

The programs educational content is guided by culturally relevant pedagogy as well as the pedagogical approaches of Ken Robinson, Paulo Freire, Maria Montessori and Rudolph Steiner. 
