Upper Elementary

LiveWell Kids Garden Education Program

LIveWell Kids was launched by Beach Cities Health District in response to a high childhood obesity rate in the district that it serves. Beach Cities Health District is a public agency that creates healthy services and programming for the residents of its district. The District's Garden Education Coordinator (me) trains volunteer garden docents to annually teach students 5 lessons that align with the Common Core State Standards in 9 schools. 

The mission of the LiveWell Kids program is (from our handbook):

Acta Non Verba

Acta Non Verba: Youth Urban Farm Project (ANV) elevates life in the inner-city by challenging oppressive dynamics and environments through urban farming. Founded and led mainly by women of color from the surrounding neighborhood and larger community, ANV creates a safe and creative outdoor space for children, youth, and families in East Oakland, CA.

Poe Center for Health Education - GrowWELL Garden

The Poe Center for Health Education is a private not-for-profit organization that educates North Carolina’s children, youth, and their families about health topics and the importance of leading healthy lifestyles. Our mission is to educate and empower North Carolina’s children, youth, and their families to make choices that increase positive health behaviors.

SunRidge Charter School Farm Program

The mission of the garden program at SunRidge Charter is to foster a living connection and relationship with the land upon which the school resides. Our lease on our land may be temporary but the work we do to restore the land will benefit many generations to come. 

As the Greek proverb states, a society grows great when we plant trees in whose shade we may never sit.

Mindful Farming and Sustainable Food Advocates for Urban Foodsheds to Confront Preventable Diet-Related Diseases

Sustainable Food Advocates promotes nutrition education to strengthen the innate healing instinct of the body through healthy eating, adherence and literacy strategies that reduce preventable diet-related diseases and promote nourishing potentials that improve access to nutrient dense vitamins, minerals and the medicinal qualities of carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols found in healthy vegetables, fruits, herbs, and nuts.  Through personalized counseling, workshops and conferences, member-households receive guidance in labeling information and nutrition facts, cooking tips and health b

Oysterponds Elementary and Greenport High School Edible Education Initiative

To facilitate, encourage and promote the development of Edible Education in the local school district.

The garden at Oysterponds Elementary is in the beginning stages, while the garden at Greenport High School is well-established.


RECREA, Escuela para la Vida, is an educational initiative of the Government of the State of Jalisco that aims to promote health and the integral development of children through socio-emotional skills and healthy lifestyles.

The life skills needed to live are developed throughout life, and this development can be intentional and directed by educational institutions from early stages.

Objective of the Program:


Are mission is to help ever child learn where they are at. be nice to everyone and every thing. The curriculum is use ith the play base learnig. 

Thrive Public Schools

Thrive High School is committed to progressive education, with the following three main areas of emphasis: project-based learning, social-emotional learning, and personalized learning.  We strongly feel that the purpose of our education program is to encourage individual students to recognize their skill sets and to develop relevant skills for a future that is in many ways uncertain and require a strong, but also a flexible and innovative mind.  We would like to continue to develop our food production program in order to build something with our students that has a healthy impact on their f
