Lower Elementary

Cien Aguas International School

 Our goal is to implement our school's mission to have a sustainable campus. The grant will enable us to transform our concrete/asphalt school yard into a model of urban gardening outdoor education and simple sustainable practices that community members can practice at home. We will have a space for outdoor health-centered education events which will facilitate community building. The grant will allow us to purchase materials to give our garden a strong start.

Sierra Madre School Community Gardens


I am the chairperson for the garden committee at Sierra Madre School in Sierra Madre, California. 

The Edible Gardens by Green City Market

Chicago’s Green City Market is home to The Edible Gardens, a 5,000 square-foot urban agriculture project growing in the heart of Lincoln Park Zoo’s Farm-in-the-Zoo. As Green City Market’s primary educational outreach program, The Edible Gardens’ mission is to connect Chicago youth with their food hands-on, and to ensure that families have the knowledge, experience, and inspiration to help support a sustainable food system.

Growing Chefs! Chefs for Children's Urban Agriculture

Growing Chefs! Chefs for Children's Urban Agriculture is a non-profit society that brings local chefs and growers into elementary schools to teach kids about food, cooking, and gardening. Our mission is to inspire children with the idea that they can grow their own food, even in the city.

We also seek to:

MMCA Organic Garden and Outdoor Classroom

Maria Montessori Charter Academy is a public charter school in Rocklin, CA. We serve about 300 kindergarten through 8th grade students from a variety of cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds from school districts throughout the surrounding area. Teachers at our school employ a hybrid educational model, utilizing the Montessori philosophy and methodology to achieve state content standards. As a public school, we charge no tuition and students are selected by lottery from the pool of applicants.


Sequoia Community Garden

 Sequoia Elementary is located in the Rosemont Community of Sacramento. 
