Bay Farm Elementary School - Outdoor Learning Center
The Bay Farm Elementary School Outdoor Learning Center teaches around 500 students in the garden on a regular basis. Students plant, grow, harvest and cook with organic vegetables. Students learn about plant identification, nutrition, as well as well as wildlife. Their favorite thing to do is cook and eat! Some favorite recipes are pesto, rosemary potatoes, rhubarb sauce and scissor salsa. Students will eat what they harvest all with one class. Our upper grades make cookbooks, itchy salve, seed paper, seed balls for our yearly farmers market.
Kindergarten through third grade are taught by Kelsey Austin and 4th and 5th grade are taught by Jim Cartan. All of our K-5 students have a weekly garden class.
Our on site Butterfly Habitat that is registered as Bay Friendly and a National Wildlife Schoolyard Habitat. We have been on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour as well.