High School

Curriculum, Culture, and Cuisine

This program guides K-12 teachers in developing  curriculum to examine how the science, culture, and socioeconomics of food influences educational understandings and practices in the school environment. Of particular focus will be the students' scientific inquiry into their local food science contexts and the implications for academic achievement, physical health and social justice. Topics will include indigenous food sources and issues of access, correlation of STEM content standards to cultural food practices, and personalized health and nutrition advocacy.

High Tech Elementary North County

High Tech High is guided by four connected design principles - equity, personalization, authentic work, and collaborative deisgn - that set aspirational goals. High Tech High is an equity project. Our school is intentionally diverse and integrated. Teachers work to address inequities and help students reach their full potential. Through a learner-centered, inclusive approach we are able to support and challege each individual sudent. We recognize that idenity growth occur in the context of community, our schools fostere relationships of trust, caring, and mutual respect among students.

Rooftop Roots

Rooftop Roots, a 2,000 square foot farm, is perched five stories atop the University District Food Bank which works to build a hunger free NE Seattle by providing them with reliable access to healthy food and life-changing resources. Rooftop Roots engages community members, customers and youth interns with intensive food production experience, food systems and nutrition education as well as a chance to bring home and enjoy fresh produce grown themselves.

Green City Market

The mission of Green City Market is to pave a new path for the local food economy in the Midwest by fostering opportunity for small family farmers, educating consumers and the next generation of eaters, and increasing access to local, healthy, sustainable food for all Chicagoans. Green City Market achieves this mission in three different focus areas. To create opportunity for small farmers, we offer year-round farmers markets featuring local family farms, as well as scholarships and resources for small farmers through our Farm Forward Fund.

arc Culinary Academy

Arc is an after school program focused on bridging the opportunity gap for students through experiental learning amd enrichment. Our culinary program was created in 2015 at Ulysses S. Grant High School in Los Angeles. The focus is to offer students the chance to develop their interest in the food world whether for professional or recreational purposes. Students learn traditional techniques and cooking methods along with the standard professional safety and health practices required of any working kitchen.

LiveWell Kids Garden Education Program

LIveWell Kids was launched by Beach Cities Health District in response to a high childhood obesity rate in the district that it serves. Beach Cities Health District is a public agency that creates healthy services and programming for the residents of its district. The District's Garden Education Coordinator (me) trains volunteer garden docents to annually teach students 5 lessons that align with the Common Core State Standards in 9 schools. 

The mission of the LiveWell Kids program is (from our handbook):

Poe Center for Health Education - GrowWELL Garden

The Poe Center for Health Education is a private not-for-profit organization that educates North Carolina’s children, youth, and their families about health topics and the importance of leading healthy lifestyles. Our mission is to educate and empower North Carolina’s children, youth, and their families to make choices that increase positive health behaviors.

Mindful Farming and Sustainable Food Advocates for Urban Foodsheds to Confront Preventable Diet-Related Diseases

Sustainable Food Advocates promotes nutrition education to strengthen the innate healing instinct of the body through healthy eating, adherence and literacy strategies that reduce preventable diet-related diseases and promote nourishing potentials that improve access to nutrient dense vitamins, minerals and the medicinal qualities of carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols found in healthy vegetables, fruits, herbs, and nuts.  Through personalized counseling, workshops and conferences, member-households receive guidance in labeling information and nutrition facts, cooking tips and health b

Oysterponds Elementary and Greenport High School Edible Education Initiative

To facilitate, encourage and promote the development of Edible Education in the local school district.

The garden at Oysterponds Elementary is in the beginning stages, while the garden at Greenport High School is well-established.
