
Explore the Honey Bee

The overall mission of our program is to open the minds of our students with an interactive learning experience that brings them outdoors and connects them with the natural environment. We will use the interaction and involvement of the students to help make their learning impactful. We truly bring the FUN into each learning experience!

Pollinate Farm & Garden

Pollinate Farm & Garden is an edible plant nursery and urban homestead emporium located in the heart of Oakland. We specialize in backyard chickens, beekeeping, food preserving, urban farming, edible landscapes and food forests. We help you get the most out of your space and inspire you to DIY Food.

Farm To Child: Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona

The Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona has three programs that help with school garden programs were we: install school and organization community gardens, host a train the trainer program to create leaders and change makers in low-income schools and communities to address hunger, health and community development. We envision communities and schools in Southern Arizona as places full of life, where gardens grow an abundance of food and leadership. Where students learn by getting their hands dirty to create clean healthy communities.

Portland Community College Rock Creek Learning Garden

The Rock Creek Learning Garden promotes interdisciplinary academic achievement, leadership development and sustainable food systems. The garden provides experiential education and life-long learning opportunities for PCC students, faculty, staff and community members.

Laboratorios para la Vida

Laboratorios para la Vida (Laboratories for Life) or Labvida is an action research project based in Chiapas, Mexico which centers on delivering a course titled 'Alimentación, Comunidad y Aprendizaje' (Food, Community and Learning) with adult educators working with different age groups in a variety of environments. This course focuses on local agro-food systems, agroecology, interncultural dialogue, and constructivist pedagogy, using the edible school garden as a place for exchange between the school and the surrounding community.

10,000 Gardens in Africa - Zimbabwe

Creating 10,000 good, clean and fair food gardens in African schools and communities means not only raising awareness among young generations about the importance of food biodiversity and access to healthy, fresh food, but also training a network of leaders aware of the value of their land and their culture who can serve as protagonists for change and the continent’s future.

This project has created 10 gardens.

10,000 Gardens in Africa - Zambia

Creating 10,000 good, clean and fair food gardens in African schools and communities means not only raising awareness among young generations about the importance of food biodiversity and access to healthy, fresh food, but also training a network of leaders aware of the value of their land and their culture who can serve as protagonists for change and the continent’s future.

This project has created 12 gardens.

10,000 Gardens in Africa - Togo

Creating 10,000 good, clean and fair food gardens in African schools and communities means not only raising awareness among young generations about the importance of food biodiversity and access to healthy, fresh food, but also training a network of leaders aware of the value of their land and their culture who can serve as protagonists for change and the continent’s future.

This project has created 30 gardens.

10,000 Gardens in Africa - Sao Tome and Principe

Creating 10,000 good, clean and fair food gardens in African schools and communities means not only raising awareness among young generations about the importance of food biodiversity and access to healthy, fresh food, but also training a network of leaders aware of the value of their land and their culture who can serve as protagonists for change and the continent’s future.

This project has created 13 gardens.

10,000 Gardens in Africa - Nigeria

Creating 10,000 good, clean and fair food gardens in African schools and communities means not only raising awareness among young generations about the importance of food biodiversity and access to healthy, fresh food, but also training a network of leaders aware of the value of their land and their culture who can serve as protagonists for change and the continent’s future.

This project has created 48 gardens.
