Farm To Child: Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona

Program Type: 
Farm Based, Garden Classrooms, School Cafeterias, Academic Classrooms, Support Organization
Grade Level/Age Group: 
Kindergarten, Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School, Adults/Professionals
Number of Individuals Program Serves: 
Year Founded: 
About the Program: 

The Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona has three programs that help with school garden programs were we: install school and organization community gardens, host a train the trainer program to create leaders and change makers in low-income schools and communities to address hunger, health and community development. We envision communities and schools in Southern Arizona as places full of life, where gardens grow an abundance of food and leadership. Where students learn by getting their hands dirty to create clean healthy communities. Teachers, parents, and school staff help create classrooms and cafeterias that, along with the garden, nourish our health, and help us grow the next generation of food justice activist.