Garden Classrooms


We have fruitful fields, garden towers and raised bed edibles at our school. We meet weekly to nurture and grow our garden.

Global Garden at the Avalon Elementary School, Naples, Florida

A group of dedicated people had a vision to create a space for children to learn about gardening, ecosystems and nature. This idea took many years of planning, community involvement, and good old fashioned hard work. When the vision was realized the Global Garden came to life . The garden was dedicated to the students and staff of Avalon Elementary School in early May of 1998. Since then the garden has been a living, breathing, outdoor educational experience for all to enjoy.

Stone Valley School Garden

 The Stone Valley School Garden was started by the Science Department in Spring 2009. Since that time raised beds for edibles, California native and drought resistant plantings, an outdoor classroom area, a weather station, and a school greenhouse have been added. The environmental science class maintains and constructs new features in the garden, as well as running the school recycling and compost programs.

Our Lady of Guadalupe School of Peace

 Our program was created to help support the working  class families of our parish.  We provide lost cost summer daycare for children ages 5 - 10 years old.  Our students come from a mixture of middle and lower income families with various cultural backgrounds.  Our hope is promote healthy, nuitriious diets and an encouraging, enthusiastic introduction to gardening.   


At this point, we aren't sure what type of program to embrace.

Eden In Oakland

 Eden in Oakland is phasing out of its conceptual stage, and now seeks to grow small scale farms in urban settings.  The  farms are intended as a mash-up between a community centric growing project and a soft scaled commercial initiative.

UT Elementary School Wellness Program

The UT elementary school is developing a new course in Health and Wellness studies for students in pre-K through 5th grades. The curriculum will include four components: Social and Emotional Learning, Nutrition, and Gardening and Cooking. A new cafeteria and teaching kitchen is being built. Garden plots for each classroom have been established. A new teacher will be hired in the next few weeks to develop the curriculum and start teaching it in August 2012.
