
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Akron Campus Chapter

Family and Consumer Sciences fundamentals

The University of Akron prepares students to take positions as generalists and specialists in these areas of family and consumer sciences.

  • Child Development,
  • Family Development
  • Fashion Merchandising
  • Interior Design
  • Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher Education

Each program includes a core of courses intended to connect the various specialties into a cohesive foundation for future life experience

South Carolina Department of Agriculture Farm to School Program

The South Carolina Farm to School Program originated in 2011 as a two-year project funded from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Since the program began, it has expanded to not only include more funded schools, but also other institutions including preschools. In 2015, the umbrella organization South Carolina Farm to Institution was founded to encompass a wide variety of institutional sites beyond preschools and schools.

Stable Meadows Life Enrichment Center and Farm

~~Mission Statement:

Stable Meadows Life Enrichment Center and Farm is dedicated to the healing and improvement of individuals through counseling, coaching, self-discovery, mindfulness and professional wellness services

Business Philosophy:

Garfield/OIC Garden Project

Garfield Elementary School Garden at OIC of Yakima is an educational, youth-empowering community project. It focuses primarily on bringing fresh food and positive life experiences to students and families in the Yakima School District.

Solution Concepts

Company Overview

There are many definitions and different ways for communities to attain a more sustainable future. The sustainability of a community depends on creating and maintaining its economic and environmental health, promoting social equity, and fostering broad-based citizen participation in planning and implementation. 

Sunflower Hill

sunflower Hill is a 501c3 organization (Tax ID is #80-­‐0897595) was founded by eleven families of children with developmental delays. Our goal is to create a sustainable, special needs community not only for our own children – but for other individuals and families seeking programming and residential options.


Garden Rules to Health

   Childhood obesity rates are out of control and its time for change? To combat childhood obesity, studies show that children who grow fruits or veggies, are more interested in eating them.  Eating more whole food and less processed foods combined with exercise is the path to better health and overall wellness.  A school garden supports that path to positive change in your community.  

Urban Community School

Almost 50 years ago, the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland founded Urban Community School (UCS), a quiet gem in the heart of Cleveland’s near west side where a diverse, multilingual population of low-income students, (74 percent qualify for the Federal Food Assistance Program, with more than 2/3 of our student body qualifying for free lunch), concurrently learn academics and social justice.  Our commitment to differentiated instruction, multi-age learning, health and wellness, field trips and peace typifies our unique approach to student learning and success.

St. Peter's Child Care

St. Peter's Child Care Center was established in 1983 in response to the community's need for quality childcare in Lakewood, OH (Cleveland). 

Enrollment is open to all families regardless of race, religion, or ethnic origin.  No religious vewpoint is taught or promoted within the center.  St. Peter's Child Care is a non-profit program located in St. Peter's Episcopal Church.  

The Carrot Academy

The Carrot Academy is an initiative to offer alternative classroom like experiences to youth at our LOVE Building facility. A traditional Academy event allows children to go out into the garden and work with plants, weed and harvest, compost and plant. They then take some of  their bounty into the kitchen, prepare their meal and sit down and talk about a topic related to their self sufficiency, self esteem and sustainable food systems. Then they wash up and put their dishes away.
