Growing From Food Scraps
Place of Learning:
30 Min
Grade Level:
Did you know that a lot of the produce in your kitchen will sprout new growth just by putting it in water or soil? This activity explores growing food from the ends and scraps of produce in your kitchen.
Student Learning Goals & Objectives:
- This activity supports students in practicing creating: undertaking projects that have tangible results both in the kitchen and garden.
- This activity encourages students to feel that cooking and gardening are more accessible.
- This activity supports students to learn hard skills in growing and preparing food like knife technique, building a well-balanced compost pile, etc.
Download Lesson Materials
Teaching Notes:
- In the student notes section of this document, we make recommendations for extending thelesson. This lesson can be easily adapted to become a science lab that incorporates studentspracticing the scientific method. Extend the garden Growing Food Scraps Observation Chart(attached below) and integrate scientific terms and concepts.