'24-'25 Virtual Training Recordings

Below are all the workshop recordings and associated resources from the 2024-2025 Virtual Training. This page will be continuously updated with more workshop resources.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us at training@edibleschoolyard.org.

Grant Writing Tips and Tricks for Edible Education | February 26, 2025


Workshop Resources:

  1. Slide Deck
  2. List of grant opportunities compiled by KidsGardening

Integrating Academic Standards: Common Core | February 12, 2025


Workshop Resources:

  1. Slide Deck
  2. Plant Yoga poses
  3. Additional resources for Common Core Literacy
  4. Additional resources for Common Core Math

Integrating Acadenic Standards: NGSS | January 23, 2025


Workshop Resources:

  1. Slide Deck
  2. "7 Steps to Create an NGSS-Aligned Garden Lesson" worksheet
  3. Post-it contributions from the interactive whiteboard
  4. Interdependence in the Garden Ecosystem (NGSS-aligned curriculum)

School Garden Management 101 | December 10, 2024


Workshop Resources:

  1. Resource Folder (contains the workshop slide deck plus a wide range of school garden resources)

Edible Schoolyard Website Tour and Resource Swap | November 20, 2024