Farm Based

Smarts Farm

SMARTS Farm: transformed vacant parking lot now a thriving communicty garden and education hub in downtown San Diego.


We are located in Vallejo Ca. and have been gardening since 2012. We are fledgling group but are growing day by day.

We are growing winter vegetables at this time but maintain a summer program as well.

Our charter school is comprised of middle school through high school.

Our main garden is located on the middle school campus but are in the middle of installing a high school garden on the high school side.

Our hope is that we can link up with other programs thoughout our town, state and eventually the nation.

The Food School at Common Ground Urban Farm

 The Food School is a start up non-profit organization in Ft. Collins, CO that offers unique agricultural experiences combined with on- and off-site food education for children and adults. Currently, our staff visits local classrooms and delivers standards-aligned food educaiton curriculum about topics such as food equity, food security, and faces of the food chain.

Garinger High School

The Urban Farm Learning Center is focused on producing fresh healthy food, teaching people to feed themselves in a sustainable way, and workforce development through targeted internships and transitional employment. The Farm is the extension of a school garden started in the 2000's by a Teach for America Service Member, and is the largest produce generator for Charlotte's Meals on Wheels organization, with over 90 gardens in the network and counting.

Austin Discovery School

We began a small garden when we started our school in 2005. Since then we have developed an entire eco-wellness program that is now part of our core curriculum. We use this garden, in tandem with our composting system and chicken coop, to teach our students a holistic approach not only to science, but to everyday life. Each of our grade levels are responsible for maintaining portions of the garden for the school year as part of the learning process.

Boston Latin School

We aim to create a hydroponic garden in an urban setting at Boston Latin School (BLS) to raise student interest in sustainable agriculture,to promote eating healthy locally grown produce, and to utilize the hydroponic garden as an engaging learning tool in science courses.

Mountain Mamas

"It takes a mama."

Mountain Mamas is an artisan cooperative of local, like-minded women supporting the highest well being of our families and community.

Mountain Mamas came together to strengthen our skills, knowledge, and resources:

Something Good in the World

Something Good in the World is a grass roots environmental educational organization, which operates as a public charity under section 501c3 of the IRS code. 

Marion-Polk Food Share Youth Gardens

Marion-Polk Food Share is leading the fight to end hunger in Marion and Polk counties in Oregon. While we provide emergency food boxes, we recognize we have the responsibility to address root causes of hunger and "stop the line before it starts" by providing youth nutrition awareness and food systems education in our communities. 

World Hunger Relief Inc.

The mission of the Urban Gardening Program at WHRI is to partner with local organizations in developing healthy, sustainable communities through the education and exploration of healthy, sustainable food systems. We also support the Heart of Texas Urban Gardening Coalition (HOT UGC) in many community wide initiatives.
