Middle School

Mindful Farming and Sustainable Food Advocates for Urban Foodsheds to Confront Preventable Diet-Related Diseases

Sustainable Food Advocates promotes nutrition education to strengthen the innate healing instinct of the body through healthy eating, adherence and literacy strategies that reduce preventable diet-related diseases and promote nourishing potentials that improve access to nutrient dense vitamins, minerals and the medicinal qualities of carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols found in healthy vegetables, fruits, herbs, and nuts.  Through personalized counseling, workshops and conferences, member-households receive guidance in labeling information and nutrition facts, cooking tips and health b

Oysterponds Elementary and Greenport High School Edible Education Initiative

To facilitate, encourage and promote the development of Edible Education in the local school district.

The garden at Oysterponds Elementary is in the beginning stages, while the garden at Greenport High School is well-established.

3D-Me, Inc

3D-Me, Inc. mission and vision is focused on the creation and support of economic growth opportunities; that include providing accessible and nutritious food to communities. Providing fun exercise programs, for all age’s to help meet the social demands of a diverse neighborhood, and a dedication to finding ways to help economic growth through job search training techniques.

We want to emphasis the struggle with obesity that is currently affecting our children and youth. But more importantly we want to target the entire family, in order to allow each member to:


Are mission is to help ever child learn where they are at. be nice to everyone and every thing. The curriculum is use ith the play base learnig. 

Thrive Public Schools

Thrive High School is committed to progressive education, with the following three main areas of emphasis: project-based learning, social-emotional learning, and personalized learning.  We strongly feel that the purpose of our education program is to encourage individual students to recognize their skill sets and to develop relevant skills for a future that is in many ways uncertain and require a strong, but also a flexible and innovative mind.  We would like to continue to develop our food production program in order to build something with our students that has a healthy impact on their f

The Madonna Well-Med Children/Senior Garden

Our goal for our community is to shift the way our children and families see food and are able to access fresh fruits and vegetables. We include healthy activities and exercise. We strongly believe what we put in our bodies affects not only our physical health but our mental health. We envision a Westside with lower rates of obesity, heart disease and diabetes through educating the youth about growing food and preparing their harvests for their families. We have been able to successfully supplement 50% of the lunches and snacks via the garden for our community residents.

Indian Township School "Original Gardeners"

    In Passamaquoddy we say thank you as Woliwon.  I open by saying thank you for the opportunity to help further the cause of native food sovereignty and education.   My heart is with the Passamaquoddy tribe and her children. 

Infinite Insight Inc

Infinite Insight Inc invests in residents of rural communities by providing holistic, continuous, and unconventional place-based educational services as a response to persistent poverty and to improve quality of life.

Lopez Island Farm Education Program

The mission of the L.I.F.E. (Lopez Island Farm Education) Program at the Lopez School is to create sustainable local community-based organic farming & gardening experiences that are wholly integrated into the Lopez Island School District K-12 curriculum & cafeteria to promote individual, community and environmental health.

The L.I.F.E. Program helps students build an appreciation for nature, nutrition, community, land stewardship, and the environment.

Upland Unified School District Farm to School Program

The Upland Unified (UUSD) Nutrition Services Program works to create a healthier environment for UUSD students and all children in the city of Upland. A district- wide belief in a whole child approach fuels initiatives taken by both the Upland Unified School District and Nutrition Services Program. Goals of the Nutrition Services department include developing meals with higher nutritional value, ensuring food security for all students, and increasing nutritional education on campus.
