Middle School

Field to Table Schools (FoodShare Toronto)

FoodShare Toronto’s Field to Table Schools (FTTS) program is restoring good food education in schools with hands-on activities, workshops and growing projects. Students from JK to Grade 12 learn about composting, innovative food gardens, nutrition, cooking, local and global food systems and more. The FTTS program reconnects students with food and where it comes from; teaching that good healthy food not only tastes good, but is fun too!

California Montessori Project-Carmichael Schoolyard Garden

Our school will have a ground-breaking in May 2012 for our school-wide garden. Our students have assisted in the planning of the garden and are excited to begin growing and learning about plants and the garden system.

Palos Verdes School Gardens

Palos Verdes School Gardens is a non-profit organization that seeks to make our schools models of sustainability on the Palos Verdes Peninsula.

We want our kids to learn about conservation, smart energy use, how to grow food organically and responsibly and to care for their environment on the school campus. We want our kids to grow up knowing that their actions and decisions have an impact on the world around them.

Orcas Island Farm to Cafeteria Program

Orcas Island is located off the coast of Washington State in the San Juan Islands.  We have had an active and vibrant farm to cafeteria program since 2005 which includes our newly expanded garden, our K-8 Farm to Classroom, and fresh scratch-cooked meals in the school cafeteria using locally grown organic produce and meats.  

IAA School Garden

 We are just beginning our school garden here at Interamerican Academy in Guayaquil! So far, we have Pre-K, 2nd grade, and 7th grade involved in the planting of seeds. Our school cafeteria saves their fruit and veggie scraps and we have three compost bins going to create soil.

Lake Trail Neighbourhood Connections School-Community Garden

Lake Trail School  serves a lower income area in Courtenay , British Columbia.  Three years ago a group of parents and community members started to build a community school organization to "help contribute to the success of our students, famileis and community members and to build a healtier, safer community with Lake Trail school at the heart.  Just 3 years later we are incoprated as an non-profit community education society , offering afterschool and night programs and partnering with many other community organizations.

Life Lab

Life Lab is a national leader in farm- and garden-based education. At the Life Lab Garden Classroom in Santa Cruz, California, we promote experiential learning for all ages through children’s camps, field trips, youth and internship programs, and teacher workshops. Drawing on over thirty years of work with students we have also created curricula and workshops for educators interested in bringing learning to life in gardens nationwide. www.lifelab.org

Edible Schoolyard NYC

Edible Schoolyard NYC partners with public schools to transform the hearts, minds, and eating habits of young New Yorkers.

By integrating hands-on food education into high-need schools across New York City, Edible Schoolyard NYC aims to change attitudes, preferences, and behaviors around healthy eating.

The Khabele School

Every elementary student attends gardening class once per week, which are led by our on-staff Gardening Teacher, Scott Dubois. Our gardening classes focus on cultivating ecoliteracy, good nutrition, mindfulness, and persistence. These classes maintain our garden classroom and receive hands-on lessons with sustainability, nutrition, botany, weather, and ecology. The majority of the garden space is allocated to annual vegetables and cut flowers, which are either eaten during class or sold by students at a makeshift farm-stand to raise money for the garden.

Hidden Villa

Hidden Villa is a nonprofit educational organization that uses its organic farm, wilderness, and community to teach and provide opportunities to learn about the environment and social justice. Hidden Villa stretches over 1600 acres of open space in the foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains, about 40 miles south of San Francisco. Our mission is to inspire a just and sustainable future through our programs, land and legacy.
