Lake Trail Neighbourhood Connections School-Community Garden
Lake Trail School serves a lower income area in Courtenay , British Columbia. Three years ago a group of parents and community members started to build a community school organization to "help contribute to the success of our students, famileis and community members and to build a healtier, safer community with Lake Trail school at the heart. Just 3 years later we are incoprated as an non-profit community education society , offering afterschool and night programs and partnering with many other community organizations.
The School Community Garden is the most visible maniifestation of LTNC. With the enthusiastic support of the school principal, Dr Lori Carpenter, school district administrators, the local Credit Union and Food Security organization, volunteers dug up the front yard of the school and started planting - making every work party an opportunity for education and fun. It's not the usual chain-link school garden. A student garden club worked along with volunteers the first year. This school year, students were able to take a course in gardening. We offered weekly workshops for families in the graden. We've recently received a grant from the Vancouver Island HEalth Authority to develop a program to teach local, low-income families how to garden, offering lessons and garden space, or help to set up raised kitchen garden beds at thier homes..
We're so excited to be working with teachers,staff and volunteers to open a world of learning for students throguh hands-on gardening.