
Slow Food Denver's Seed to Table Alliance

Slow Food Denver’s Seed To Table Alliance supports over 45 gardens in the Denver Metro area. Our mission is to create meaningful relationships between young people and food in order to transform the school food system. By placing an emphasis on hands-on experiences, community interaction, and the pleasures of the table, SFD-STT projects help to strengthen the food communities of tomorrow by engaging youth today.

Lunch Love Community Project

 An online documentary project offering shareable films, community engagement, and creative resources to inspire change in the way kids eat.

Garden Kids

 Garden Kids has been operating the "Gardenof EAtin' Project" inMarin for teh past 7 years . Built 8 pre-school based children's nutrtion gardens. Developed a USDA /Network for a Healthy California  approved "Early Childhood Nutrition Education Toolkit" ... Available free on line.


Provide design build service for any garden any where

Catlin Gabel School Garden

 The Catlin Gabel School Garden is an organic garden on the campus of The Catlin Gabel School in Portland, Oregon. The school educates pre-kindergarten through high school students, and many students have helped to create the garden of 18 raised beds, several benches, a greenhouse, two outdoor classroom structures with green roofs, several trellises with fruits, and a cob pizza oven.

School Garden Support

The Heart of Texas Urban Gardening Coalition (UGC) helps to support school gardening in Waco!

Jumbo's Kitchen

 Jumbo’s Kitchen is a partnership between Tufts University and DotWell Organization that teaches elementary school kids basic cooking skills and nutrition.

The mission of Jumbo’s Kitchen by Tufts-DotWell is to promote an understanding of nutrition, introduce basic cooking skills, and empower kids to make healthy snacks with a focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

JIES Beacon Experience Garden

The JIES Beacon Experience Garden will  educate students to cherish their health, wellness and environment. The garden will provide fresh fruit and vegetables to students and their families and encourage and educated them to be successful in planting and maintain a home garden.  The garden will be a catalyst for our students to become responsible, healthy, eco-friendly adults.
