Coloring Together
30 Min
Coloring, sometimes considered a child’s activity, is a documented stress reliever for adults! In this activity, use our coloring sheet to color as a family. While you color, consider using the conversation starters to discuss the various fruits, vegetables, and herbs on the drawing sheets.
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Teacher / Parent Notes

While you color, consider using the conversation starters to talk about the different fruits, vegetables, and herbs featured.

  • What was the last __________that you ate?
  • How many types of _________ can you name?
  • Consider talking about the different types of ___________. As you color, see if you can think of more examples for each category.
  • Share a memory of a recipe that uses one of the ________ listed in the coloring sheet. Share your experiences eating that recipe. Encourage each other to be as descriptive as possible; can you remember where you were? What you smelled, touched, saw?
  • Eat while you draw. Do you have any __________in your house to eat? How do the____________ taste?