Upper Elementary

Centerville Elementary STEAM

This program uses aquaponics and hydroponics as teaching tools for core STEAM subjects like Math, Biology, Chemistry, Art and Engineering. Students study fish, plants and bacteria interactions in a living ecosystem.  They perform water quality tests and measure growth rates in fish and plants

Please check out the following links to see more:

1. Aquaponics

2. Hydroponics

~Nikki Rupu (STEAM Integration Specialist)

Native American Student and Community Center Living Rooftop Garden and Deerwalk

A red brick pathway zigzags the rooftop of the Native American Student and Community Center (NASCC), traversing through seven beds of native plants. The fully-accessible path passes through cascading terraces of grasses, shrubs and flowers. Species include elderberry, oregon grape, kinnikinnick, salal, sedum, native roses, lupine and reeds. Just southwest of NASCC, native plants with medicinal and cultural uses  cover the I-405 overpass through a partnership with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).

Community Alliance with Family Farmers

The Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) is a California-based nonprofit that builds sustainable food and farming systems through local and statewide policy advocacy and on-the-ground programs in an effort to initiate institutionalized change. CAFF’s programs address current problems and challenges in food and farming systems, creating more resilient family farms, communities and ecosystems. CAFF works to support family farmers and serves community members within the state, including consumers, food service directors, school children and low-income populations.

Raul Ybarra Primary School Garden

The Raul Ybarra Primary School is a Department of Education school that offers a Garden Classroom Program to promote healthy eating habits and the principles of permaculture. Our school serves a diverse community of students that go from Kinder to 8th grade. Since 2016 we have received training and support from the Agriculture Extension Service at the University of Puerto Rico. More recently we have joined efforts with Plenitud Puerto Rico to learn more about sustainable practices and ecological gardening.

Mason's Roaring Garden

We have a small garden of 4 garden boxes and 12 fruit trees.  We are currently in the process of explanding to appox. 9000 sq ft.  which will include 35+ garden boxes, a small green house, and possibly a pumpkin patch.  

The Better Burger Challenge

The Better Burger Challenge aims to transform the iconic resource-intensive American hamburger into a force for better health, environmental sustainability, animal welfare  and opportunity for independent family farmers and ranchers.  

Our goal is to get hundreds of restaurants and institutions to develop and serve a better burger. We are also empowering students across the country to make better burgers for their friends and then encourage their food service providers to make the burgers as well. 

Hamilton School

Hamilton School's garden allows students of all backgrounds to learn about where their food comes from. In doing so they are able to make healthier food choices and take ownership of their nutrition. It also provides an opportunity for students to get out of the classroom and apply their learning to a real-world environment.

Kids' Country Edible Education Project

We are a before and afterschool program in the Danville/San Ramon area and we are located on 15 elementary school sites. Our program focuses on providing healthy snacks for the children and they also participate in family style eating during snack time. Each site has a garden area for the teachers and children where they plant, grow, and learn about the foods we eat. The goal of our program is to provide children with nurishing snacks as well as teach them about healthy eating while in the garden.

Edible Peace Patch Project

The Edible Peace Patch Project is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization whose mission is to eliminate poverty as a factor in educational success and diet-related health issues by cultivating healthy minds and bodies.  To accomplish this mission we provide education through hands-on learning, in our organic garden beds. These sustainable gardens are built through community co-creation and utilization of local resources! 
