
Mason's Roaring Garden

We have a small garden of 4 garden boxes and 12 fruit trees.  We are currently in the process of explanding to appox. 9000 sq ft.  which will include 35+ garden boxes, a small green house, and possibly a pumpkin patch.  

Hamilton School

Hamilton School's garden allows students of all backgrounds to learn about where their food comes from. In doing so they are able to make healthier food choices and take ownership of their nutrition. It also provides an opportunity for students to get out of the classroom and apply their learning to a real-world environment.

Kids' Country Edible Education Project

We are a before and afterschool program in the Danville/San Ramon area and we are located on 15 elementary school sites. Our program focuses on providing healthy snacks for the children and they also participate in family style eating during snack time. Each site has a garden area for the teachers and children where they plant, grow, and learn about the foods we eat. The goal of our program is to provide children with nurishing snacks as well as teach them about healthy eating while in the garden.

Edible Peace Patch Project

The Edible Peace Patch Project is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization whose mission is to eliminate poverty as a factor in educational success and diet-related health issues by cultivating healthy minds and bodies.  To accomplish this mission we provide education through hands-on learning, in our organic garden beds. These sustainable gardens are built through community co-creation and utilization of local resources! 

LiveWell Kids Garden Education Program

LiveWell Kids is an elementary school garden education program consisting of 6 lessons per year in the school gardens.

Brighter Bites

The mission of Brighter Bites is to create communities of health through fresh food.  We are a comprehensive, multi-component school, preschool, and after-school program that increases access to fresh fruits and vegetables combined with nutrition education for obesity prevention among low-income children and their families. Our goal is to help curb the childhood obesity epidemic by increasing the demand for fresh fruits and vegetables, leading to improved family eating habits and ultimately improved health outcomes.

Explore the Honey Bee

The overall mission of our program is to open the minds of our students with an interactive learning experience that brings them outdoors and connects them with the natural environment. We will use the interaction and involvement of the students to help make their learning impactful. We truly bring the FUN into each learning experience!


We’re trained chefs taking on a new challenge: School lunch.

Our mission is to transform the way our kids eat and grow by bringing the skills we’ve honed in the restaurant world into the schools and community around us.

We believe lunch should be longer than 22 minutes. We believe that our kids deserve real food, cooked with care and passion by a chef whose full-time job is to work in schools. We believe that eating should be a positive, healthy, and person-to-person experience – and we believe that we can accomplish that in an efficient and cost-effective way.

Farm To Child: Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona

The Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona has three programs that help with school garden programs were we: install school and organization community gardens, host a train the trainer program to create leaders and change makers in low-income schools and communities to address hunger, health and community development. We envision communities and schools in Southern Arizona as places full of life, where gardens grow an abundance of food and leadership. Where students learn by getting their hands dirty to create clean healthy communities.

Brookwood Forest Outdoor Classroom

Our vision of the garden has always been to keep it student-centered where we provide effective, challenging and engaging learning opportunities for every one of our students. As a result, everything we do in the garden or plan to do should involve students and/or be aligned with our purpose of increasing student learning and engagement. While teachers bring their classes to the garden and guide instruction, the students are the ones who are in charge of planning, planting, harvesting and basic upkeep. Students are also responsible for sharing information to the school. 
