Summer Training at Home 2020

Summer Training at Home was a four part series of virtual professional development sessions for edible educators adapting to distance learning. The workshops offered teachers tips for adapting curriculum and instructional strategies to create rich, experiential learning for students at home. While the workshops focused on designing for distance learning, the lessons within are valuable for educators in any teaching environment who are seeking to create student-centered learning experiences.

Curriculum Design for Distance Learning
Edible education typically takes place during in-person, hands-on classes.  This workshop highlights curriculum design strategies for adapting edible education to distance learning and supports participants to begin planning new lessons.
This webinar took place on June 30th, 2020.
Cross-Curricular Connections in Edible Education
Gardening and cooking have rich connections with every academic subject.  This workshop outlines approaches for building rich cross-curricular lessons through studies of food.
This webinar took place on July 14th, 2020.
Instructional Strategies for Edible Education at Home
Distance learning requires different approaches to instruction than classroom (or kitchen and garden) based learning. Participants in this workshop will learn a variety of instructional strategies for distance learning and identify the ones that fit their teaching style best. 
This webinar took place on July 28th, 2020.
Strategies for Blending Virtual and Real Life Learning
Distance and home learning do not have to be limited to virtual experiences.  This workshop features exciting examples of blended learning that support students in learning offline and engaging with the world around them.
This webinar took place on August 11th, 2020.