Wildfood Workshop at Campus Klarenthal

Program Type: 
Kitchen Classrooms, Garden Classrooms
Grade Level/Age Group: 
Adults/Professionals, High School, Middle School, Upper Elementary, Lower Elementary, Kindergarten
Number of Individuals Program Serves: 
About the Program: 

Peter Becker is the founder of NewTritionInk and owner of the Knottyfood Manufactory.

The Trained Chef and Nutritional Consultant is also involved in the Taste the Waste Movement.

As the initiator of "The Bionic Control of Invasive Plant Species" he`s developed a program the pactise "Nature Conservation with Fork & Knife"

Since 2010 he is operating the Wildfood Workshop at Campus Klarenthal.

"With the goal of introducing edible wild plants to the diet plan of my students, I am giving classes at two local schools in Wiesbaden-Klarenthal, Germany." On herbwalks we study the local vegetation and cultivate additional species in our herb garden. In the kitchen we develope new recipes and products to show how delicious the freshest, most regional and organic food source can be."