Westside High School
The Westside High School Urban Agriculture Program, located in Houston, Texas, is a multi-disciplinary environmental vocation program that develops teens' abilities to grow, cook, eat, and sell real food as well as conduct practical scientific research in urban agriculture topics. With the assistance of the Whole Kids Foundation, we will redesign and expand the size of our vegetable, herb, and fruit gardens in an effort to create more space for students to develop horticulture projects, install a rainwater harvesting system as well as grow more food to eat and sell. The food grown is used during the school day to teach basic culinary skills, acquire a taste for varieties that grow in our climate, make value-added canned and preserved goods, and develop more healthful eating habits. Surplus produce and value-added goods will be sold to raise money for the program at the annual Whole Kids Market each fall and spring at the Whole Foods-Montrose in Houston, TX as well as at local farmers' markets.