Untitled No. 1
Untitled No. 1 serves 12-20 pre-kindergarten to entry to first grade children at our early education center opened Fall 2018. Certified LEED Gold and WELL Gold for high standards in environmental health including community and individual wellbeing. Integral to our program is the involvement of our children in the food planning, shopping and raising, preparation, serving, eating, and composting/cleanup. In addition to our own edible garden we volunteer weekly at our neighborhood park learning garden, and commute in small groups 1-2 Expo Line stops to our local farmers market and coop grocery store. Our full kitchen classroom is at once child-user friendly and as safe as necessary to cook everyone's lunches and snacks Monday through Friday; children do not bring food from home. Our non-profit organization was founded in 2015 to serve children and families evenly spread across socio-economic levels. Our goals include networking with other preschools, and particularly with those who have working kitchens.