Tohickon Middle school
We have four goals for this project. The garden will... a.allow our students to learn how to start and maintain an organic garden. b.provide our students with an opportunity to learn about gardening, a lifelong hobby. c.provide fresh produce to supplement our FCS curriculum. d. provide fresh produce for our local soup kitchen. The garden will allow our FCS department to teach their nutrition lessons right in the garden. The vegetables will be used by our FCS department in their day to day curriculum in teaching nutrition and in preparing meals. The vegetables will also be used by our students as key ingredients in the preparation of soups for our local soup kitchen. Our 9th grade Botany course of study aligns perfectly with our garden project. Students learn about the structure and function of plants and then make a comparison of plants. Our 7th grade Ecology unit deals with the flow of energy from organism to organism in an ecosystem