Timothy Murphy School
We have several goals for our garden this year and in the years to come. The first goal is to provide an opportunity for our students to learn about gardening, the cycles of plant life, how to grow healthy, organic food and develop a sense of accomplishment that so many of our students have never experienced. Students will learn how to plant, harvest and prepare the food they grow. The garden will also provide fruit and vegetables for the students to take home and share with their families. Additionally, our high school students will create a business plan that will make it possible for the garden to become self-sustaining by selling our excess produce at the local farmer's market. Finally, the garden will provide a safe place for our students to go when feeling frustrated or troubled by events around them or when needing someplace quiet to reflect on any troubles they are having. Oftentimes our students are overcome with emotion and need a quiet, safe place to gather their thoughts.
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