TALPUNANCHIÑAM is a program that addresses the loss of connection to the knowledge and application of traditional agricultural practices and diversity of native seeds and crops as well as foods, food systems and diet by teaching the importance of growing your own food through school, home and community gardens.
The project works with school children and their families to revitalize their connection to seeds, soil, native diet and language through bio-cultural conservation. The gardens provide a place for children and community members to implement what they are learning making it theoretical and practical. This helps bring back pride and a re-connection to their indigenous identity.
Our primary focus is on educating them on the growing and conservation of native crops, seed varieties and diets which means they are all in Quechua which is where the element of language comes in. They will learn necessary words to use while in the garden creating a practical platform to teach more Quechua this allows us to help in the efforts to revitalize the language with the younger generations.