Stone Mill Elementary School
Educate the students about healthy, organic nutrition by growing their own fresh produce and flowers and learning about giving back to mother earth by composting, conserving water, building a healthy soil and encouraging wildlife and beneficial insects to be a part of a healthy enviroment.
This grant would make it possible for many more children to participate in our growing garden club. Our biggest problem has been funding and trying to find ways to include more students in our program to get excited about gardening and how to integrate organic gardening in their lives, both in school and at home. Since we started our garden club program in 2009, we have grown to over 70 students participating each week. When we started, our season was May-October. Now it's early March to November in Maryland. This season, we have even tried low tunnels for the first time to extend our growing season. During the summer, we have a large contigent of students that come each week after day camp to harvest our crops and maintain our garden. We are certainly encouraged by the enthusiam our young people show but they always want to learn more, plant more, try new crops so we hate to say, we dont have the funds.
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