Sprouts Cooking Club
Program Type:
Kitchen Classrooms, Garden Classrooms
Grade Level/Age Group:
High School, Middle School, Upper Elementary, Lower Elementary
Number of Individuals Program Serves:
About the Program:
- Sprouts’ strives to teach Bay-Area children of all socio-economic backgrounds how to cook, hands-on, with real chefs, using real ingredients, in real restaurants whenever possible.
- Sprouts' Cooking Club is a program based in the East Bay that provides children the opportunity to cook in real restaurants with real ingredients, right alongside real chefs.
Mentors/ Inspiration
- Alice Waters
- Michael Pollan, Food Activist and Author, UC Berkeley Advisor
- Ben Eichorn, Former Head Gardener of Edible Schoolyard
- Justine Kelly, Chef de Cuisine of The Slanted Door
- Charlie Hallowell, Owner and head chef of Pizzaiolo and The Boot and Shoe.
- Jamie Oliver Foundation
- Whole Foods Market
- Straus Family Creamery
- Organic Valley
- Kaiser Permanente
- Anolon Cookware
- Bi-Rite Creamery
- For More Partners Visit: http://www.sproutscookingclub.org/partners.html