Spring Valley High School
My primary goal is to incorporate WV Content Standards for my math classes into a project based, hands on learning environment for my special education students. Other teachers will utilize this project; Physical Education, Science, English and Language Arts, Spanish, Health and Nutrition, and Building Construction. Students will collaborate, practice leadership, problem solve, and life-long functional skills such as: budgeting, profit and loss, planning the area and square footage for garden/vegetable space, graphing growth, making predictions, forming hypothesis, finding the percent of seeds that grow, learning the science of composting/fertilizer, and the life cycle of plants, entomology, and cross germination. Food produced by our garden will be utilized by our class, school cafeteria, and community. During the summer months the students have committed to maintaining the garden and can take that produce home, what is left will be sold at a local farmer’s market, The Wild Ramp.