Rigler Elementary School
Welcome to Rigler K-6 School. Rigler is a neighborhood school where high achievement, a positive climate, and community involvement are the top priorities. We serve 500+ students from a variety of cultural, language and economic backgrounds. This diversity benefits our school community as we strive to build unity and tolerance while empowering our students to live in a global society.
Rigler is proud to offer an excellent two-way Spanish Immersion program. Currently we have immersion classes in K-6th grade.
Rigler staff members are highly trained and offer hands-on, excellent instruction to all students with a focus in literacy, math and science. Rigler is a school wide Title I school which offers students frequent access to teacher specialists and a variety of enrichment activities throughout the school week.
Families are always welcome at Rigler. There are opportunities for involvement in Site Council, SUN school and the PTA. Parents can volunteer in classes, take adult classes and attend family events such as Day of the Dead Family Traditions Night, Science Fair, Family Math Night and the Carnival.