Pizza Garden

Program Type: 
Academic Classrooms, School Cafeterias, Garden Classrooms
Grade Level/Age Group: 
High School, Middle School, Upper Elementary, Lower Elementary, Adults/Professionals, Other
Number of Individuals Program Serves: 
About the Program: 

This garden will be created to provide ingredients for tomato sauce to be used by the Food Services team at the South Hadley School System. The location of the garden is the Town Farm. Our project is a pilot and not yet approved by the school. Students and administrators along with the Youth Commissioner are assisting in the development of the garden and the program. We begin planting at the end of April and could use all the support we can get. South Hadley is a town traumatized by a teen suicide several years ago. Gardening and local veggies are part of the healing process, being proposed by this team.

Seeds have been donated by Ace Hardware. Work is being done by volunteers. Master gardeners are providing education and assistance but we need professional organizers to get buy-in from the Food Services Director. 

I am a teacher and writer.