Peabody Charter School Cafeteria
Peabody Charter School Cafeteria has operated a cook from scratch cafeteria for nearly 20 years with a menu that empahsizes whole grains and local, fresh poduce. We facilitate classroom coooking projects, after school cooking classes and family dinners. Our school gardens offer lots of hands on experiences for children to dig in the dirt and cook what they grow. Several times a year we host Celebrity Chef lunches. A local chef plans a menu that meets the requirements of the National School Lunch Program and then supervises our kitchen staff in preparing and serving the meal to students, staff and their families. Kids try something new, our staff learns new recipes and techniques and the restaurant is introduced to our school community. Executive Chef, Laurel Lyle, founded the program in 1995 with a group of parents concerned about the school lunches being served and the defacto segregation that existed between students receiving free lunch in the cafeteria and those who brought their lunch from home. Today the lunch line is a true reflection of the economic and racial diversity of our student population.