Paterson Academy for the Gifted and Talented/School No. 28
This garden will have a great impact on the community.
The surrounding community is an extremely low income ,across the street rest four towering project buildings. Our students are bused to this location from all over the city. They have been identified as gifted and talented. Students will access core curriculum content using deeper learning techniques fostered by the hands-on environment of the garden. Gifted students will use the garden for classroom extensions and for science fair projects. It will be used for Nutrition Education as well as Environmental Education. Students will grow a garden where they can explore the life cycle of plants and understand why the health of the natural world is relevant to their lives. Community involvement is also included in our goals, parents working together with their children . Learning goals include leadership skills and self-efficacy skills. Healthy food choices for our children and their families.
This program is supported by .