Monmouth County Master Gardener/Montessori Elementary programs
As an advocate for just and sustainable food systems and for school-garden curriculum, I am committed to furthering edible education programs in my area (central coastal NJ). I would like to see existing programs strengthened, as well as new grassroots and community activities started. As a resident of the densely populated Long Branch area of Monmouth County NJ, I have found that while there are many small programs that have been started, there is still much work to be done in this area. Thus, it is my hope that the Edible Schoolyard training will allow me to build on my experience with Rutgers’ junior Master Gardeners program, as well as my own school garden program at the Montessori school where I currently work, to make a larger and longer lasting contribution to edible education in this area. I plan to use my elementary Montessori and environmental education backgrounds to help connect the experience of school to the real life experiences of the students. I believe that taking the Edible Schoolyard training will help me to extend and share the national edible curriculum you have started.