Miguelito School

Program Type: 
Garden Classrooms
Grade Level/Age Group: 
Upper Elementary
Number of Individuals Program Serves: 
Year Founded: 
About the Program: 

The goal for the Explore Ecology School Garden at Miguelito School is to become fully self-sustained and to be able to support all the students at the school. The grant would help to build another eight planter beds. All beds need irrigation, garden hoops and bird netting, with an alternate covering for frost protection for winter. With the campus located on the edge of town and near the hills,wildlife unwelcomingly “shares" in the harvest. In addition, there is a little more frost that threatens to damage our winter crops. A three foot picket style wooden fence is proposed for the perimeter. Although the majority of the students love and respect the garden it is very tempting at times to take a short cut through the fruit trees. There is a very nice accessible pathway that winds through the area for foot traffic. Lumber and gopher wire are needed for the additional beds and fencing, I already have a volunteer to do the installation.