Middletown Springs Elementary School
"The overarching goal is to provide an experiential learning resource that delivers: 1) direct understanding of ecological/agricultural systems, food preparation and nutrition; 2) healthy produce; 3) outdoor time 4) community integration; and 5) fun.
The garden will be an outdoor classroom for curriculum-based activities and a context for students and community members to work side-by-side. Produce will be used in school meals, projects and workshops for students/community members, and special culinary events- all of critical importance in a community with a many lower income families.
The garden's inventory of tools is inadequate for keeping classes of students engaged. Plants, mulch and compost are required so that the volume of produce meets needs. Finally, effective coordination of garden activities cannot be achieved by overtaxed teachers or volunteers. Grant funding will support: 1) the purchase of appropriate tools/supplies, and 2) a modest stipend for a garden coordinator.