Mickle Middle School
The Young Urban Farmers Program was started at a Lincoln, Nebraska middle school in 2012 to connect children to the soil and the origins of their food. Students gain knowledge and experience in sustainable crop production, hoop house management, cooking their produce and basic business planning. The students are engaged in all aspects of the garden-from starting seed to selling at their own farmer's market.
Recent surveys show that the vast majority of people are rapidly losing their connection with their local natural environments, particularly children from urban environments. Our first goal is to move people away from their computer and TV screens and feel comfortable outdoors. The Whole Kids Foundation grant will not only allow us to buy supplies for the garden but also enable us to install inviting landscape and benches where people can sit and interact with nature. We can make this space about more than growing vegetables. It can be an outdoor sanctuary in the middle of the city that will help build a sense of community and connect people to nature and the origins of their food.
This program is supported by Community CROPS.