Meadowbrook Waldorf School
Meadowbrook Waldorf School offers Waldorf Education for children in prekindergarten through Grade 8, with additional programs for younger children and their caregivers. Waldorf Education was founded in 1919 and is distinguished by its unique, interdisciplinary approach. MWS has been offering this rigorous academic curriculum, infused with rich artistic activities and engaging practical experiences, to students in Rhode Island and Southeastern Connecticut since 1979.
Meadowbrook Waldorf School is located on a beautiful campus has 28 acres of woods, streams, and magical glades for exploration and play. School gardens are conveniently located just steps away from the kindergarten and from the grade school. Our first Guiding Principle states that: The Waldorf curriculum is a social education that unites academics, the arts, movement, practical work and a deep respect for the natural world.
Mission Statement: Meadowbrook Waldorf School is a learning community based on the work of Rudolf Steiner and the understanding of the human being as body, soul, and spirit. The education offered here supports children in unfolding their individual capacities for living in the world, so that that as free human beings, they may take up their life’s tasks.