Malama Kauai School Garden Network

Program Type: 
Support Organization, Academic Classrooms, School Cafeterias, Kitchen Classrooms, Garden Classrooms
Grade Level/Age Group: 
High School, Middle School, Upper Elementary, Lower Elementary, Pre-Kindergarten
Number of Individuals Program Serves: 
Year Founded: 
About the Program: 

Founded in 2006, Malama Kaua’i is a community-based, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that focuses on advocating, educating, and driving action towards a sustainable Kaua’i. We consider the interrelatedness of all issues and the need for a holistic approach, with a focus on three primary areas:

‘Aina.  We are rooted in the core value of aloha ‘aina (love and connection to the land). We create solutions that foster sustainability and work in harmony with nature while producing abundant, healthy and local food.

Community. We care for our children, our economy, our society and our island’s future. We envision a Kaua’i where people enjoy a high quality of life and the sense of community is strong.

Culture. We are built on healthy relationships with each other and our kinship with the land. We respect and perpetuate the local culture and indigenous wisdom of our ancestors.

In 2010 Malama Kaua`i began running The Kauai School Garden Network, it’s purpose was to support all schools, PreK-12, on the island of Kaua`i  with capacity building services to assisting in their development of projects and education around food and nutrition, gardens, and sustainability. We provide funding, technical and volunteer support for school gardens, local food in schools and the development of wellness committees that are able to address school-specific concerns around healthy food and nutrition choices. We have an important goal to aid the children of Kauai who have severe food access concerns. The results of which present themselves in the overall poor health of the people on the island.

In 2016, we began focusing on working with two Hawaiian-focused Public Charter Schools on Kaua`i with their capacity to deliver a consistent, nutritious and culturally appropriate food program to their students. During this time, we secured commitments for Ke Kula Ni`ihau O Kekaha and Kawaikini New Century Public Charter School to each host a full-time Farm-to- School AmeriCorps VISTA for the next 3 years. By serving these schools through food and educational programming, we can not only improve the health of students, but impact the next generation’s lifelong wellness habits.