Lynn Middle School
Lynn Middle School garden goals are for students to take initiative in their garden.
1. Given the right tools, students will identify how to use the garden.
2. Secondly, using the garden students will be able to design a long term plan that is suitable for the desert environment.
3. Next, the garden will be used to introduce students to fruits, vegetables, native herbs they've never eaten or attempted to sample.
4. Then the garden will also be used as an outdoor classroom for learners to explore.
5. Lastly, students 6th-8th will have that determination to continue their service in high school and implement healthy sustenance in their community.
Lynn Middle School already has an established garden plot, which is located inside of the courtyard. However, there is still an opportunity to improve the appearance of the garden. Students now have planted there fall crops and held several Garden club activities. These young learners will continue to gain skills such as mathematics, science, art, health, agriculture, social studies and culinary arts. In addition, they will continue to develop strong interpersonal skills that are usually more successful in both their professional and personal lives. This grant will allow students to continue learning through the garden, implementing healthy cooking through harvesting garden vegetables and fruits, and being one with nature.