Living Classroom
The mission of Living Classroom is to inspire children to learn and value our natural world through garden-based education. We collaborate with schools and communities to provide engaging, hands-on lessons that stimulate curiosity and instill a love of learning. We create beautiful outdoor learning laboratories that give children from a wide variety of backgrounds a compelling introduction to STEM, environmental science and other sugjects. We offer a full range of program services to assure consistency and sustainability within a school cdistrict. Our trained volunteer docents, armed with lesson plans and instructional materials, offer quality instruction using the garden as an ecological learning laboratory.
We create flexible and customized programs that fit the needs of each school district as well as individual schools within. We hire and train staff dedicated to each school district, provide all Common Core aligned curriclum which is reviewed on an annual basis, provide design, intallation oversight and maintenance of gardens, a software platform for scheduling lessons and communications with teachers and docents, and community outreach and fundraising support.
We currently operate in 16 schools in the Los Altos and Mountain View Whisman School Districts, serving 5,000+ students and 900 lessons per school year. Our lessons are given to students in grades K-8 and we current serve over 200 teachers.