How Does it Grow?

Program Type: 
Academic Classrooms, School Cafeterias, Kitchen Classrooms, Garden Classrooms
Grade Level/Age Group: 
College/University, High School, Middle School, Upper Elementary, Adults/Professionals
Year Founded: 
About the Program: 

How Does it Grow? is the first online hub for teaching agricultural literacy to ages 12 through adulthood through the power of storytelling.

By creating broadcast-quality videos and other free, multi-platform tools, our goal is to reconnect people with how their food grows in order to inspire greater connection with — and demand for — whole, natural foods.

Within the release of just the first few episodes of the "How Does it Grow?" web series, our videos quickly clocked over 100,000 plays.

Each five-minute episode is produced as a stand-alone piece that educates as it entertains. Each video tells the story of a single crop, following it from field to fork, with tips on how to incorporate the food easily into your diet.

Collectively, the series will serve as the foundation for a substantive web-based curriculum that provides teachers with all the tools they need to teach agricultural literacy, including worksheets and hands-on demonstrations that expand on the themes in each video — from food waste to organics. Recipes and shopping guides will help students learn to choose wholesome foods and incorporate them into their diets. A children's book will take readers through the A-to-Zs of fruits, vegetables and grains, highlighting how they grow and how they're used by cultures around the world.

As a web-based initiative, How Does it Grow? will be accessible wherever there is an Internet connection. And though the videos are produced as educational tools, they are also crafted to inspire, entertain and appeal to audiences outside of an academic environment.