Hooper Elementary School
The goal for our garden is to build a greenhouse and small garden for our students. This grant will make it possible for our students k-6th grade to EXPERIENCE science, math, health and Language arts curriculum in the greenhouse in exchange for just reading and doing small experiments in classrooms. Our classrooms for grades k-3rd grade have no windows, making it difficult to grow plants for their science curriculum. The majority of what we grow in the greenhouse will be fruits and vegetables. We plan to donate fresh fruit and vegetables to three local food banks in our community. There is a huge need for produce at these community food banks, they feed between 100-160 people a day. We hope to teach students about hunger and nutrition, environmental resources, social skills, math, science, and language arts with our garden program. We will form a committee that will meet regularly to discuss how we can best integrate curriculum with the needs of the students.
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