Garfield ES
We currently have a school learning garden with ten raised beds. It was donated thanks to a three year grant from the American Heart Association. The grant provided all the needed start-up supplies, as well as twice yearly planting days. As the Garden Champion, I met with a seasoned gardener who works for the AHA and she lead me through their curriculum and basic garden lessons. Now that our grant is expiring, it is up to myself and a team of students and parents, to keep our garden going strong! This means we need funds for basic garden upkeep, as well as materials to help include the entire student body in the experience. I would like to have at least two planting cycles a year, and be able to provide hands-on lessons throughout the cycles, from germination to harvesting! I would also like to add some benches to our garden area, to entice more parents to enjoy the experience and get involved! We are in desperate need of some signage to promote our garden motto and for decorations.