Ellsworth Elementary School
This grant request has its roots in three students who approached me and asked if we could plant a vegetable garden at our school. The students gave up countless recesses to plan an informational meeting. The students’ vision, drive, and passion are what has allowed the seed of an idea grow to a new club that has at least fourteen interested students so far (there are 54 total fifth grade students at our school). As the day of the informational meeting approached, the students said, “I can’t believe our idea is going to happen!” These students feel empowered that they can work to turn a dream into a reality. In addition, there are other benefits that this grant will make possible:
Ellsworth School's first vegetable garden;
Fifth graders will learn how to garden;
Fifth graders will learn how to plan, measure, and build Square Foot Garden boxes;
Grow healthy plants with no chemicals;
Encourage healthy eating;
Work outside and encourage physical activity;
Talk and learn about nature